Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

October 31, 2011

I am just a disciple of Christ trying to do my best. A great scripture that talks about being a disciple is 3 Nephi 5:13. What color is the house now? Am i still going to recognize it with all that has been done to the house? haha Yes the Baptism went really well. President Maynes was there and he later said that Jason Tanner is one of the strongest converts he's seen in a while. He is such a solid convert. It was really awesome teaching him cause he would just bear testimony a lot of the things we taught. His only concern was the word of wisdom. I am still with Elder Wright. But Elder Bond went home two weeks ago. We do ride bikes every now and then but not very much cause we have a car. Things are going really well Here. We recently found a new family to teach and they are really awesome. We both feel really good about the family. Also its Halloween today! hope you have a great one!

November 7, 2011

Yes we have already had some snow. But most of it is melted now. Thats how it goes in colorado. Regular weather changes. Wow it sounds like LHS has a really good team which is nice to hear. Oh Jake doesn't like working at Entech? I didn't know he wasn't going to be able to make it to church. I don't really have any plans for school. I just know I want to go to school and I don't have money. I don't even know what schools are out there or what they offer. I don't even know how I would apply, I feel like I need someone to help me out with this. Cause I don't know what to do. As far as things over here go last saturday Jason Tanner Baptized his son which was really cool to see. It is awesome to teach people, feel the spirit, help people learn and live the gospel, see people get baptized. But I think it is so special when you see some one become so converted and see someone develop such a strong testimony. He wants to share the Gospel also and is already working on it! I love this Family. They are really special. I am going to have to come back to Denver in a year when the Tanner family goes the the Temple and are sealed together as a family for all of time and all eternity. That will be really special. Yeah we have places to go on thanksgiving. Three families so far already want us over at their houses. One will be breakfast, the other lunch, and the other Dinner. It is going to be a lot of food. The members here really love us and we love them. It is really awesome. Their are a lot of just wonderful people over here. I love these people and I hope I get to stay here for the rest of my mission. Odds are that won't happen. but we will see. I know both of hte assistants very well. Elder Christensen (he was my companion two transfers ago), and Elder Fuller (we served in the Bible park ward at the Same time together, he was in the south half and I the north half) and I have already told them to keep my here. but we will see what happens.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 17, 2011

That is good to hear that Lebanon is doing so well in high school football. That's too bad you haven't heard from them or about them. Kim is actually in another ward now cause she moved but she is still doing well and really loves church, especially relief society. That is really good to hear the missionaries are really busy over there. Are the members fellowshipping the new converts well? Hope so. You think I am getting transferred? haha. That's funny cause it turns out I'm not! hahaha I am actually staying here for at least one more transfer. I would love to stay here for the rest of my mission. But we will see. I am actually pretty surprised I am not being transferred. Elder Bond is going home. He was only with us for two weeks cause the car in his area broke and they didnt have another car and they were up in the mountains with a big area, so they couldn't do anything with out a car. He is a great missionary and its too bad he's leaving but I think we'll see him again sometime. Kind of funny but he is the first missionary that I have been with their last transfer. And that transfer it is missionary lingo to say he is dying. (speaking as he's going home). So when you have a companion who's dying its also missionary lingo to say you're killing them. So soon I'll be able to say this. My mission was hard work. I was trained by Rambo, and I killed Bond. hahaha Its a cheesy joke but I think its funny. I hope you have a great week mom! I love you! Oh and also we are having a baptism this week. This guy named Jason Tanner, his wife is already an endowed member and he is really super solid. Has borne testimony of the book of mormon, the restoration, Joseph Smith, the Church, Thomas S. Monson, the plan of Salvation. He is now living the word of wisdom and will be baptized this weekend. And he asked me to baptize him. It is really awesome. I love this family. And I don't know if you have seen the movie called "Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story" but if you haven't you should its really good. But anyways if you have you'll get this part. We sometimes refer to Brother Tanner as Father Tanner!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 29, 2011

Thank you so much for being willing to pray for kim and put her the temple prayer roll. THank you Mom. You are so awesome. I love you. She is doing good. THe spirit is working on her. She unfortunately hasn't made it to church still yet. We gotta get her to church this weekend. Wow Scott and Brad are going to College already? thats crazy. I haven't gone to college yet. Im getting old! hahaha just kidding. Time really does fly. Things are going good in our area. We set two investigators on baptismal date recently. And we felt like we should teach one of them the word of wisedom the following visit so we did and turns out he has a chewing tobacco problem. But we are going to work with him now to really help him grow in Faith and gain a Testimony of the Book of Mormon and also Obedience. So it was probaably good that we found that out as soon as we did. We got to go to a big meeting last week that was about a media blitz the church is doing here in the denver mtro area starting in October. There were some general authorities there and they taught us about it. There are going to be tv comercials, bilboards, radio commercials, etc.. There are already internet adds. it is going to be huge. Really cool. They have already done this in other cities in the U.S. Its a six month add Campeign. Where they have already done it there has been explosions in the work. It is really amazing! so huge. Members of the church are going to be approached with people asking about the church. 98% of the youth will be asked about the church. And statisticly many people will want to go to church with us after seeing the adds. And the rest will all want to do something. Like go to, request a free Book of Mormon or Bible, want to meet with missionaries, etc... it will be really cool. I love it! The spirit was really strong at this meeting. The only sad part is at the end of the meeting our Mission President. Walked up to Elder Christensen and told him that he was going to be emergency transferred. And that he was going to be his next assistant. So that night he had to pack and say good bye to a few of the people we teach and then 830 the next morning the assitants came and got him. It was quick. All three of us were really sad that he was getting emergency transferred. We love eachother and we love serving together. And we got to see alot of miracles together in the 4.5 weeks we were together. He is from washington and turns out we both entered the Mtc the sameday but didnt really meet eachother until earlier this year haha. I miss him but I know the work will keep moving forward. Elder George and I are still together and we hope we get to stay together another transfer. Right now its only Elder George's third transfer in the mission so if he bcame a zone leader next transfer that would be really cool but unheard of hahaha. Or who knows maybe we will be put into a tripanionship again next transfer. But I got to go. I love you mom! and have great week.

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 8, 2011

I do miss Elder Beberger but I really love my two new companions. That's right. I am in a tripanionship. the computer just underlined that word in read telling me that is not a word or it is misspelled haha. I have Elder George and Elder Christensen who are serving with me. They are bother really great Elders and they are both from Washington. Elder Christensen entered the mtc the same day i did but he was there nine weeks learning spanish. Although now he is in an english area. He is my zone leader companion. And Elder George is like our assistant zone leader-Assistant to the zone leaders. hahaha. He is really funny and really loves to work. We have some great hings happening in our area. We have three baptisms this week. And we have several investigators that could get baptized very soon. Two are newer investigators that have had really hard childhoods. One was in foster care but whats cool is for a little while growing up she lived in an lds home. The other girl never really had a good father growing up so they do have problems but they are progressing so well right now. The second one has never really been religious but she can really feel the spirit when we meet, and when she reads the book of mormon and prays. I have faith that they will be healed as the come unto The Savior. And they will be able to change and have a so much more happy life and receive so many more blessings. Also We took an investigator to tour the temple grounds outside the temple on saturday and it went really well. The spirit was really strong and he really wants to get baptized and get married in the temple. More so then he did before. It was awesome. I had never done that with some one we teach before. We need to do it a lot more! Also another lady we recently started teaching told us she wants to get baptized without us even asking! It was really awesome. That was the second time this has happened on my mission. There are wonderful things happening. I love it! I am still in the same area and I love it a lot. The ward is called SMoky Hill and it is in the Arapahoe Stake. It is so awesome. I hope I get to stay here for at least another transfer. I love the temple. I know The Temple truly is a House of The Lord. It is so special to me. I have grown a much deeper appreciation for it. I love you Mom and I love your prayers, love , and support. How are the missionaries over there? are they good missionaries? Have you sent them to teach Jared? you should. How about Liz's Boyfriend? you should or it may even be better to have them in your home when the missionaries meet them and begin teaching them. Actually this would probably be the best. Just let the missionaries do the teaching and you can ask them and work with them so you will know what the missionaries want you to do when they teach them. THank you Mom! You're awesome

July 25, 2011

My companion Elder Beberger absolutely loves talks. He has read and listened to more talks than anyone I have ever met. And he uses them to a lot in teaching which is really awesome. I really love my companion a lot. And I am actually really sad that he is getting transferred tomorrow. He is a great missionary. He is a convert and he joined when he was 16 and is just really solid. He has a solid testimony, a lot of Faith, and a lot of love. I wish I could keep serving with him. But He is being transferred to a different Zone where he is going to be in a split zone leadership. Which means his companion isnt going to be a zone leader but the zone leader he'll be working with will be in a different area and he;ll be trainning him to be a new zone leader and also Elder Beberger will be follow up trainning a new missionary. Which means its the new missionaries second transfer and he's his second companion in the field. So President has definately thrown Elder Beberger a curveball. Haha. He has taught me a lot. He has belped me to increase my Faith and attitude a lot. And we have seen miracles in the work together. He is from Oregon too and he said he is going to come visit you after he goes home. And he will hopefully be there when I get home. that would be really cool. The first transfer I was with him he told me his goal for me was for me to drive in Nascar in the future. Hahaha. But it is amazing so so so amazing being able to be a missionary. Lives are changing forever. Even for all Eternity, for the better. And you can't measure the worth of a soul anymore than you can span the measure of the universe. Thank you Mom for you and Dad and all your prayers, love, and Support. It is so grealty appreciated. I know my life has changed forever. Thank you Mom. I love you.

July 11, 2011

We had some more great things happen last week. On tuesday we went to go teach one of our investigators and when we were teaching her, her sister, brother in law and his kids came over also (they were having a get together). And we found out her sister also wants to be baptized and her husband (our investigator's brother in law) is a member but less active. They live in the Heather Ridge ward and have gone through a bunch of missionaries. When we left hid daughter who is seventeen came out after us to talk to us. She told us that she is a member and has been less active and when she had gone to church before she saw a light around the bishop and his councilors. A light like a halo. And she said she hadnt seen that light in a while but she said she saw it around us when we were teaching and she said it kind of freaked her out and she didnt know what to do but she wanted to tell us and get our phone number to talk to us later. The next day we got to go to the temple which was amazing. I love the Temple. And later that day we got a call from them. They wanted us to come over and give them a blessing. When we got to their home I could feel that something was wrong. Elder Beberger felt that also when we talked about it later. And We found out that last night and Evil Spirit that she could see was in her room and really scared her. And she told us that before that She prayed b4 she went to bed asking God to help her know that this was true and that she wants to follow him with all her heart and go on a mission also. and then later she felt something touching her leg and woke up to that awfull experience. And we went over The 1st vision account with her about how satan came upon Joseph and she said it felt like that. So we Kneeled down together With Alfredo (her father) and her brother who's 5 and her and Elder Beberger Dedicated their home and during the prayer we felt something leave and the spirit come and it felt much better there then. And afte rthat we gave both Carlie (the 17 year old girl) and Alfredo jr. blessings and that felt much better. They felt the spirit. Next day Carlie told us she felt 100% better and Safe. And that her brother said "they gave me the force" which was pretty awesome. We also found out that Carlie has had a pretty hard life. She was living with her Mom (Alfredo's first wife) and that she was abused by her and her mom also treated her like she was crazy and put her in institutes when she really isn't crazy she just didnt want to take care of her. So she has had a hard time growing up and she just recently moved in with her dad. It was so amazing to see Heavenly Father help his children and use us as instruments. It made me really happy. I love it. We are going to go over there with Heather Ridge North on wednesday cause they should be teaching them regularly and helping Monica (our investigator's sister) get baptized. Also Alfredo said if Monica wants to get baptized he'll get active and do everything. It was a great miracle. It was really special. They are an awesome Family.