Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 7, 2011

Yes we have already had some snow. But most of it is melted now. Thats how it goes in colorado. Regular weather changes. Wow it sounds like LHS has a really good team which is nice to hear. Oh Jake doesn't like working at Entech? I didn't know he wasn't going to be able to make it to church. I don't really have any plans for school. I just know I want to go to school and I don't have money. I don't even know what schools are out there or what they offer. I don't even know how I would apply, I feel like I need someone to help me out with this. Cause I don't know what to do. As far as things over here go last saturday Jason Tanner Baptized his son which was really cool to see. It is awesome to teach people, feel the spirit, help people learn and live the gospel, see people get baptized. But I think it is so special when you see some one become so converted and see someone develop such a strong testimony. He wants to share the Gospel also and is already working on it! I love this Family. They are really special. I am going to have to come back to Denver in a year when the Tanner family goes the the Temple and are sealed together as a family for all of time and all eternity. That will be really special. Yeah we have places to go on thanksgiving. Three families so far already want us over at their houses. One will be breakfast, the other lunch, and the other Dinner. It is going to be a lot of food. The members here really love us and we love them. It is really awesome. Their are a lot of just wonderful people over here. I love these people and I hope I get to stay here for the rest of my mission. Odds are that won't happen. but we will see. I know both of hte assistants very well. Elder Christensen (he was my companion two transfers ago), and Elder Fuller (we served in the Bible park ward at the Same time together, he was in the south half and I the north half) and I have already told them to keep my here. but we will see what happens.

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