Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

Thank you for the news. But you forgot to answer my questions that I sent in the last email. Lets see if you can answer them this time. I hope so cause I do want to know. So do you think you will get the car? Oh Elder Landon is a good guy. we have been doing really awesome lately. We have had a lot of lessons lately where the spirit was pretty strong. But unfortunately I am being transferred so I am going to get an even different companion now. And who knows maybe I'll go back to denver. we'll see. I dont like leaving areas. It has been the hardest thing for me to do I think on my mission. Cause I come to love the people, we get less actives coming bnack to church and investigators getting ready to be baptized then I get moved. I will miss the people here in the Grand junction 9th ward. I have come to love them and appreciate them. I will still pray for them. thank you hannah for all that you do! I hope you have a good week! lets try and make sure Mom has a great mother's day.