Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 28, 2010

Yep im a trainor. We've been together for two weeks now, its been pretty awesome. Glad you like your new job. And from what i could tell from the pictures The house looks nice, and pretty big. Glad you guys like it. That is a lot of training. Wow. You learned some classified info eh? hrmn.... like what? So Chelsea and Brandon's wife are both pregnant? haha that is awesome. And you and Shane are going to make sure you have maternity leave first and inurance? Will the radiation do anything weird? or whatever? Yeah Mom told me Daniel has been really busy also. Thats cool he is coming over. Have fun in yellowstone. Im glad you guys have an awesome ward! It is always really nice to have wonderful caring loving members in your ward. How is the missionary work over there in that ward? are the members pretty active in reaching out and sharing the gospel with their friends? (yep Im a missionary) haha But hey guess what............... guesss.................... again?????? maybe...... im not sure what you guessed............ but anyways....... We are having a baptism! Hurray! Ok so we have been teaching this kid named Dustin Christenson, He is ten, his parents were less active but they are getting reactivated! and his younger brother who just turned 8 is getting baptised also! This week. They wanted to do it in Utah because their family lives in Utah, and turns out that is ok, just as long as they are confirmed here in their homeward. So its not an Adult convert baptism, but it counts as a convert baptism because he is over 8. But the worth of every soul is great in the sight of God. Im glad we have been able to be intruments in Gods hands in bringing another Child to him. The work is actuially going pretty good over here. We got too new investigators last week. And This really nice lady we have been teaching for a while as been reading the Book of Mormon quite a bit and she knows it is a good book. She says whenever she reads it she feels peace and comfort, and she is sleeping better. And she knows God is giving her this comfort and peace. Cause she has been praying a lot because a lot has been going on iun her life lately, her son got sentenced for three years in prison, and she was realy sick for a week, got burned at her work when a barbiquer leaked gas, and she has been going through quite a bit lately. But she really really likes having us over. And learning more about the Book of Mormon. She has really strong faith in God and in Christ. She is from kansas and she is Southern Baptist, but she is the coolest and nicest southern baptist lady I have ever met. but she is really awesome. She has some very very good potential. But the work is awesome. My companion is a stud. I love the work! Its been the best five months of my life so far here in fruita.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 14, 2010

Ok I dont think I told you yet but I met our new mission president the second day he was in the mission. He is pretty cool. His name is President Maynes. He was a Stake president in Price Utah, and he used to be a CES director in utah as well. And he has been here for about two weeks now. But big news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess what it is?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? its about transfers..........(drum roll)...... hahahahaha
I'm Training this next transfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha yep i will be getting a new greeny missionary. It is too bad that me and Elder Rambo will no longer be companions but you cant have the same companion your whole mission unless you are a serving a senior mission. But I'm pretty sure we will get to see eachother every now and then during the mission and we are pretty good friends so we will probably for sure see eachother after the mission. He is going to go back to byu Idaho which isnt nearly as far as Pennsylvania. So yeah. but that is the news. Umm we havent gotten any investigators to church lately unfortunately, but we have been teaching this one lady named Raqelle and she has been reading a bunch of the Book of Mormon which is awesome! and there is a lot of potential in fruita 4th ward. But i got to gowrite an email to president so I wil ltalk to you later.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 29, 2010

Hi Mom, why does it make you feel like crying? I dont get it? its just a picture of me and Elder Rambo. But anyways, I did get the package last week! Thank you so much for the Cinnamon Roles! MANGOES! chocolate, jerky, and letter! I sent you a letter not too long ago, did you get it? How was Dad's father's day? I hope he had an awesome day, and I hope he got the card and letter I sent him. Yes the Cinnamon Roles were delicious. You got the Shop done already? wow that was fast. Ok I can write Bruce. But he can send me a letter too. haha. I enjoyed the letter you sent me. I knew Nick and Bethany were going to get married. Who did Min Phillips get married too? Good news we got a new investigator last night, and we got another investigator to commit to coming to church! Elder Rambo and I also got to give talks in 4th ward sacrament meeting on sunday, and we were the only speakers so we talked for quite a while. I gave a talk about the Atonement, and Elder Rambo gave a talk on obedience. They were pretty good I think. I quoted some of President Monson's talk He is Risen from last General conference (its a really good talk) and I also used a bunch of scriptures talking about the Atonement, and I used 3nephi 11 were Christ Visits the Nephites and They feel the prints in his hand and in his Feet and know that hey suffered those things for them and know that he is the Messiah, and I talked about how Christ did all these things for us because of his great love for us, and that through him we can be healed(spiritually and Physically) and he cleanses us from sin. But it was good. The spirit was definately there. But I got to go. I will write you some more in letters when i get time!