Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 13, 2010

I am now in an area without a car. Iis kind of funny how that works out. But I did get transferred. I am in this ward called Bible Park (its called that because there is a park in the ward boundaries and near the church named after James A. Bible.) And we are on foot cause my companion can't ride a bike due to an injury. We share the ward with two other Elders and it is a pretty big ward area. They have the south half, we have the north half. I guess our area also isn't too far away from downtown Denver also. But I am also a district leader this transfer. It is a lot different. There are two other sets of Elders in the district besides me and Elder Nicholls, and then one set of sisters. we had our first district meeting on monday and the district meetings this transfer are suposed to be all the district leaders teaching. whereas last two transfers it was all the Zone Leaders teaching. But there are a lot of changes going on in the Mission. At transfer meeting President Maynes anounced the new standards of Excellence. And we are no longer going to be keeping track of tracting hours. and qgc's instead we are only going to be keeping track of results. And we arnt suposed to have tracting as our main source of finding. they want us to do a bunch of different things. Which have been proven to be more effective in finding ppl to teach. So it is a little different, and it is hard to make this adjustemnt when we already do so much tracting but I have faith it will work and the results will be amazing. Also did you know that our Mission, the Colorado Denver south Mission has the highest on average, baptism per month ( For an English Speaking mission), but the provo mission have more per year. Or atleast this is what it used to be. With these changes it will be interesting to see how things go.

Friday, October 1, 2010

September 29, 2010

Yes my week was fantastic. Yes we have had some absolutely awesome lessons with Louisa. and yes she has quit smoking and she is doing really really good! she is so awesome. I am really happy for her. She is getting baptized tommorrow night. And it is Elder Tongas first baptism, and it is on his six month mark/mission birthday. We spend time tracting but we spend more time teaching than tracting. We are suposed to go for twenty lessons a week. Elder tonga and I got 25 last week. not all of those were with Investigators, a bunch of them were. We had a lesson with President Maynes yesterday. we had interviews last week with him on thursday. And he told us he wanted to go to a lesson with me and Elder Tonga to go see how we teach. So he went with us to go teach Rodric and he was a half hour late cause he had to drive a ways. But he was with us for two hours. it was pretty cool I'd never gone to a lesson with President before. I was a little nervous but we had a good lesson Rodric asked President the same questions he asks us and everyone we bring with him. And he likes to look stuff up online and stuff but we were telling him and kind of pounded into him that the only way he is going to find out if the Book of mormon is true and if Joseph Smith is a Prophet, is by realy studying and reading the book of mormon and taking the time to pray, and pray with faith and sincereity and real intent. And he wants to get baptized and he wants to believe and Find out he just hasnt made the effort yet. But we arnt going to give up on him. we read with him and we are trying to help him. But that sounds like things are going pretty good. I didnt know that is when everyone was going to be done in school. Wow its crazy. But good to hear the news. I hope you enjoy your weekend. Travel safely! and dont forget to "watch conference." Tell Liz I said to study hard and do good. And tell her I also said to pray for help and Heavenly father will help her. If she really puts in the effort. So did you ever find those addresses? like Jared's address for example? did you get my letter? Thank you Mom I Love you too. And I appreciate the support very much. I am trying to continually improve myself as a servant of the Lord. I am an tool in his hands, but I need to become a precision instrument. In helping to bring His Children closer to Him. I dont think I need anything at the moment. I dont need candy, I dont really like eating that much candy anymore. Every now and then but not too much. But thank you. I Love you Mom, tell everyone I love them too! Take care I will tlak to you later.