Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 29, 2011

Thank you so much for being willing to pray for kim and put her the temple prayer roll. THank you Mom. You are so awesome. I love you. She is doing good. THe spirit is working on her. She unfortunately hasn't made it to church still yet. We gotta get her to church this weekend. Wow Scott and Brad are going to College already? thats crazy. I haven't gone to college yet. Im getting old! hahaha just kidding. Time really does fly. Things are going good in our area. We set two investigators on baptismal date recently. And we felt like we should teach one of them the word of wisedom the following visit so we did and turns out he has a chewing tobacco problem. But we are going to work with him now to really help him grow in Faith and gain a Testimony of the Book of Mormon and also Obedience. So it was probaably good that we found that out as soon as we did. We got to go to a big meeting last week that was about a media blitz the church is doing here in the denver mtro area starting in October. There were some general authorities there and they taught us about it. There are going to be tv comercials, bilboards, radio commercials, etc.. There are already internet adds. it is going to be huge. Really cool. They have already done this in other cities in the U.S. Its a six month add Campeign. Where they have already done it there has been explosions in the work. It is really amazing! so huge. Members of the church are going to be approached with people asking about the church. 98% of the youth will be asked about the church. And statisticly many people will want to go to church with us after seeing the adds. And the rest will all want to do something. Like go to, request a free Book of Mormon or Bible, want to meet with missionaries, etc... it will be really cool. I love it! The spirit was really strong at this meeting. The only sad part is at the end of the meeting our Mission President. Walked up to Elder Christensen and told him that he was going to be emergency transferred. And that he was going to be his next assistant. So that night he had to pack and say good bye to a few of the people we teach and then 830 the next morning the assitants came and got him. It was quick. All three of us were really sad that he was getting emergency transferred. We love eachother and we love serving together. And we got to see alot of miracles together in the 4.5 weeks we were together. He is from washington and turns out we both entered the Mtc the sameday but didnt really meet eachother until earlier this year haha. I miss him but I know the work will keep moving forward. Elder George and I are still together and we hope we get to stay together another transfer. Right now its only Elder George's third transfer in the mission so if he bcame a zone leader next transfer that would be really cool but unheard of hahaha. Or who knows maybe we will be put into a tripanionship again next transfer. But I got to go. I love you mom! and have great week.

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