Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 25, 2010

Transferrs are this week. Tomorrow (thursday) so today is my last full day here in Fruita. But yeah we got the call last night telling us that I was going to be leaving and that Elder Galenzoski was going to be staying. It feels kind of crazy, cause this has been my only area in the Mission so far so it is kind of weird. But I have made some friendships that will last a long long time, I have had more incredible and spiritual experiences here in fruita than I can remember. And I will always remember Fruita and what the Lord has done here using me as an instrument in his hands. And i am totally coming back here to Visit in the future.
Thank you so much for the prayers I really really apreciate it. My Son(Elder Galenzoski) is really really an awesome missionary and servant of the Lord. I havent really done any training, he was already trained and prepared before I got him. And I had an awesome transfer with him, He will do great, He has love for all of the investigators and knows how to teach. It will be awesome to hear about the success I know he will have after I am gone. But I gotta Go I will talk to you later. Love you

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18, 2010

Hey thanx, glad you like the emails. I absolutely Love being a missionary. Last night we had a baptism! it was pretty awesome. It was the first convert baptism that I had actually gotten to teach the people being baptized and see them get baptized. We had another baptism earlier this transfer but they got baptized in Utah cause they have a bunch of family over there, and then they came back and got confirmed in sacrament meeting. So this was pretty special to me, I have been working for a while here in fruita now and I have finally gotten to see some frutis of our labors which brings huge and incredible Joy and satisfaction.
No I dont think you did tell me about yellowstone, other than that you were going to Yellowstone with Dan and Jen. Oh I was wondering how you were going to go since you were working. How long of days do you work? Well I'm really glad to hear you had such a good time.....
I've found Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you take it. Its true there are people around, that sometimes act unkindly to us or do something offensive (even within our own families). Such is the nature of humans, cause we are all imperfect. But Christ taught us to forgive all men (and women). And also Brigham Young once said a fool takes offense when there is no offense intended (or something to that point, I may have not gotten the wordage right) . I dont mean to preach, rebuke, or offend or anything like that. I am simply trying to share what I know with love to try and help. There has been a couple times where my old companion really got on my nerves and I just had the strongest urge to punch him in the face as hard as I could. But I knew this was not the best thing to do, and also I would get into a lot of trouble. But what I did is I prayed each time with all my Heart to God asking him for help to help me have strength to resist temptation and Love Elder Rambo no matter what, just as God Loves us even when we are stupid, errogant, selfish, wicked, or prideful. And one of the things I learned at these times is how important it is to forgive somebody just as fast as they do something wrong or offensive. Cause when we are angry we do not have the spirit with us. And as missionaries it is extremely important to have the spirit with us always. But I know that this is not a principle that applies only to missionaries but to all of us. In Christ's Sermon on the Mount (both in Matthew 5-7 and 3 Nephi 12-14) part of his sermon he teaches us that we need to Love our Enemies and "turn the other Cheek".
But anyways next week is transfer week so I may be getting transferred. And I think I will get transferred because Ihave been here so long already. But i would really like to stay another transfer but we will see I guess. Also how is the blog going? Has it been working? Does anyone read it? or what? haha let me know, thanx Hannah! I love you! Take care.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 4, 2010

Haha thanks Hannah, you know I am really glad to have you as a sister, cause you are really spiritually strong and you have awesome faith and trust in God and in Jesus Christ in which you are a great example to everyone around you. As for myself I try to contually remember that I am nothing without God. Only through him have a recieved all of the gifts and blessings that I have and can I do mighty things. And I am Eternally Grateful for everything God blesses me with. And this oppurtunity I have to serve him, and be an instrument in his hands in this great and marvelous work. But thank you Hannah, I appreciate it. And I really appreciate your prayers for me. You're awesome. (high five)...(airmail)....... haha but I'm trying to follow the example of Ammon in Alma 26, its a good one.
Im sorry you're having trouble with your pets in the new home. Hopefully you guys can train them right in the new house pretty easily and soon. Im sorry I forgot your bday, I remembered it was around the same time as Dad's but I am really really bad about remembering dates. But I am glad you had a really great birthday. Shane got you a pot and pan set and you're excited eh? haha that just sounds funny to me but Im glad you are excited. When is your bday? tell me so i can write it down for next year and remember better. But Happy Late Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try and send you a card! \m/, (rock on)
Well that is good about the radiation. I was just wondering about that. So is it a lot more to the job than you thought or is it more simple or what?
So we had a baptism last saturday it was awesome. Did I tell you about it already? Well his name was Dustin Christenson, and his younger brother got baptized too. And then last sunday My companion Elder Galenzoski confirmed Dustin, and I got to confirm Cody his brother which was awesome! I had never confirmed anyone b4. And I've only given two priesthood blessings so far. So i was pretty nervous, but the spirit took over just as everytime and I was given exactly what i needed to say evertime which is awesome. But the family was so happy and so was Cody and Dustin. It was just so wonderful. I really want to stay in fruita for atleast another transfer so i can help Elder Galenzoski get trained even further, in being an awesome servant of the Lord. And also because there is so much potential in Fruita 1st ward and 4th ward. We got three new investigators last week. Two of which are younger boys but they have both expressed an interest to be baptized before shcool starts. And also there is this lady named Raqelle who we tracted into and have been teaching for a while. And she is probably pretty much one the awesomest people and investigators I have met. She reads the Book of Mormon a lot! and she really notices the peace and comfort that comes from God when she reads it, and she has been sleeping better and dealing with Stress better because of it. And also the other new investigator is an older guy in 1st ward, but he is absolutely awesome! he is pentecaostal, has a really strong faith in God and has been through a lot in his life that has led him to have faith. He really likes talking to us and he really likes me, he says I remind him of himself when he was young. He did concrete work and construction work also. And he had a best friend who was a member and gave him a Book of Mormon right before he lsft on his mission so he would know what he was going to be sharing with ppl for two years. But he unfortunately didnt get the chance to read it before he lost it. He got divorced a while after he got it and hasnt found it since. So I gave him a book of Mormon and I really think he was really glad to get another copy, and I really think he will read it. But Since sunday night I came over to Denver with the Zone leaders for a special trainging by President Maynes and the Assistants. so past couple days ive been in Denver with a all of the ZL's and trainors. And what the training ws about was helping us become better teachers. It was 8 lessons sent from the first presidency and apostles putting a greater emphasis on things out of preach my gospel that if we follow exactly and do all the time, we will have much greater success, and we will be able to help even more children of God come to Christ through the resotred gospel. So i am pretty excited about following these things and seeing the changes that will follow! but You may want to fwd this to mom so she can here all this too. But thanx Hannah! Love you! Take Care!

Your Brother
Elder Benjamin Walker Sherman