Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 26, 2010

Its awesome to hear from you. And I'm really sorry I havent finished the letter yet to send it back to you. But i should be able to finish it today. My only excuse is we are only allowed to write letters on p-day. And we have been pretty busy. Im sorry I havent finished the letter sooner but It will be sent soon! I promise. Hey emails are good too, its just only get a half an hour to email on pdays, so I have more time to write letters usually than email. That is why I like letters better.
That is awesome Dan, I am really really glad you are enjoying working at the hospital in Corvallis, That is funny about Naomi. And that is awesome that you have already used your experiece for good at ur new job. That is sad about that girl that is parallised on the left side of her body tho. But that is awesome how you helped her Dan. Nice Job. You're Awesome.
Yeah you were telling me about how you're are getting into mountaineering even more in your letter. That is awesome. I am a little jealous that yu get to mountain climbing and I do not tho. It is an unapproved activity for missionaries, just like swimming, four weeling, skiing etc.
We will have to go mountain climbing when I get back. And after the mission we can come over here and climb a few of the mountains, like The Monument we could Mountain Climb over here. 28,000 feet that is really high up! That is crazy. Fruita is like 4,400 some feet in elevation, and Denver is like 5,000 some feet.
Hi Jenn! Wow sounds liek you are really enjoying your break. Good luck with the Quilt!
I miss you too Jenn! But dont worry I wont be gone forever, I'll see you again in a while. That is a lot of books to read, I wish I had more time to read. We only get about an hour of personal study to read a day. And I just love reading the Scriptures and Preach My Gospel, and I want to read Jesus the Christ and the reast of the missionary approved library but I never have enough time. So you are lucky to have all of that time to read. Enjoy it! haha.
I am having a lot and a lot of fun as a missionary. It is so incredible. I Love it out here In Fruita, the people are so nice. Its crazy that its already been three months since I left. But in Those three months I have learned more and grown more, and come closer to Christ than I ever would've without serving a mission. I miss you both but dont forget I love you too, and I am really happy for you and how awesome things are going for you. Take care! You will get my letter soon!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 19, 2010

Yeah it is amazing to think how big the universe is and how much stuff is out there. We know that Christ Created this world, and many others like unto it Like it says In Moses Chapter one. All for his own purpose. And they arnt numbered unto us, but they are numbered to him. It makes me think of the song, If you could High To Kolob #284. Its truly amazing too think about how many other worlds there are out there. And how the Universe is always expanding. And there is plenty more room out there for many, many more worlds to be created. God's plan for us is so beautiful, and wonderful, beyond our own mortal comprehension.
Thanx for the Quote. That is a good one. It sounds familialar. We got to have interviews with President Christison Last Saturday. He set these up cause he is leaving soon and wanted to get a chance to meet with all of the missionaries for one last personal interview before he left. So he came to our Zone last saturday. And we also got to have some good trainings from the Assistants. WHo are Elder Forsyth, and Elder Steed. Elder Steed is actually my great Grandad in the mission. In the Mission, your trainor is your dad. So Elder Steed Trained Elder Franklin, Elder Franklin Trained Elder Rambo, and Elder Rambo trained me. So he is my Mission Great Grandad. And he is an Awesome missionary. We went up on top of the Moument (which is a big mountain Plateau nearby) to a place called the Devil's Kitchen, it was a little hike and a cool rock formation. It was awesome while we were up there, President Christison Told us a bunch about the life of Joseph Smith and answered some questions. He said a lot of stuff that I had never heard or known before. He said the church has recently compiled and gathered a whole bunch of Joseph Smith Papers that will be published soon by the church. Which will be cool. President Christison is so awesome. In my interview with him he told me some things that was exactly what i needed to hear. When we were driving to meet that saturday morning, one of the other Elders Said when we get up on the monument President is probably going to call Down Brigham Young to toalk to us about Missionary work. hahaha It was funny, but President Christison is very inspired and very intune with the spirit. He's been an awesome mission president.

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 5, 2010

I'm really not sure what time we will be able to call on sunday. Probably after Church sometime. We cover two wards. and the first ward meets at 9 and the second one meets at 1, but we are an hour ahead over here from you. uhm but we dont stay all three hours of the meeting unless we have an investigator there. Sorry I can't be more specific, my companion doesnt know what time we will be calling either. That's awesome, Daniel is old. haha dont tell him I said that. Im glad he is liking his Job. I dont think there really is a secret to cooking the steaks other than this, watch them carefully and dont overcook them. Rare is the best. You're welcome for the letter. Thats good to hear that you are having a good time teaching. I got you a Mother's Day Card, Hopefully it will make it over b4 mothersday! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day Mom. Cause you are the best. I remember you wrote to me in a letter, or was it a card?, when I was in the mtc I read it. And i remember you said you Hope I realize the love the lord has for me, and you said it is important that I develop my own relationship with him. And that brings me to me next topic. we had Zone Conference last friday and it was absolutely phenonomal. President Christison is so awesome. I have only known him for a few months, and Ive only seen and talked to him a couple of times but I love him a lot. And I am going to miss him when he is released and we get a new mission president. But the Highlight of Zone Conference was a Silent lesson we had. We all came to the chapel completely quietly with no one talking. And we were instructed from slides on a projector about what we needed to do. The hole thing was all about helping us develop our own personal relationship with the savior and feel his love. It was so amazing. I felt His Love For me more than I ever have b4. It was so beautiful. And I have developed my own relation ship with him. I know Christ and Heavenly Father care about me very very much, and Know me better than I even know myself. I will write more about it in my next letter but it was so wonderful. I know that there is no greater thing, nor more joyful thing I could be doing with my life right now, than serving the Lord.
I too have memorized a few songs. Songs truly do have a great power of inviting the spirit. I think My favorite song, or atleast one of them, I have a lot, that invites the spirit is the Words of Joseph Smith's First Prayer, to the melody of Come Thou Fount(which isnt in the hymnbook). But It has to be sung well, if it sounds bad it wont have the same effect.

April 21, 2010

I finally got the package you sent me! Thank you so much! I am thouroughly enjoying the magoes. They are delicious, and thanx for all the candy, i was expecting a bunch of candy haha. And thanx for the Brownies. I also Got your letters, I have been writing another letter to send you, but I was not able to finish it last pday, there was just a bunch of stuff i want to write about. But i am for sure going to finish it today and send it! Thanx, Fruita is awesome! Very loving and kind members, and a lot of the ppl hear are very friendly and easy to talk to. Elder Rambo got one of his teeth replaced yesterday. They were suposed to put both of his Vineers on, but there was a defect in one of them, so he is getting the other one today. And this week is transfer week. And we are having pday one day early than usual because transferday is on wednesday instead of thursday like they usually are. They are doing this because one of the sister missionaries is going Home and she had to leave a day early for some reason or other. But I found out yesterday whether or not i was getting transferred...............(
Drum roll)..... haha President Christison called Elder Rambo and told him he was going to be the new district leader here in Fruita next transfer........ And that I wasnt going to be transferred. So I we are both staying here for another transfer.
there was a chili cookoff put on by first ward the weekend b4 last, and an auction of deserts. The funds raised were for the young women to go to girls camp. And some members decided to buy us Cheese Cake! haha it was good. Cherry Cheescake.
Oh we4 had an awesome teaching experience last noght. I will tell you about it More in the letter. But it is a part Member family. And everyone prayed to find out whether or not the book of Mormon was true and whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet, and they all got a yes. It was awesome. I will tell you about it more in the next letter. But i gotta go type a letter to President Christison now. So i gotta go

April 7, 2010

Im doing good. Wednesdays are my pdays, so u were a day early but it worked haha. This weeks has been pretty good. Last week on thursday we went on splits with the Zone Leaders and it was a pretty good experience. General Conference was awesoome!!!!!!!!! Holy cow!!!!! I don't know why it was so Amazing to me, I think when you are a missionary you pay more attention and it seems better. And hopefully you are more intune with the spirit when you are a missionary haha Im pretty sure that is it too. But Wow Thomas S. Monson said in Priesthood Session that it was the best priesthood session that he has been in. Now that is saying something haha. We also got like three new investigators past couple of days! HOORAY! Thats good Dad took care of the Computer. Yeah we had an Easter dinner. The members are really nice here in Fruita, we are fed at a members home almost every night. Ok kool Thanx for sending me a package! I am looking forward to the letter. I got your letter last week and I really appreciate it. I also got a letter from Grandpa and Hannah and Shane. I heard there was a 7.0 earthquake down in southern california sunday night tho. Im guessing everyone is ok?!?!?!?!?! cause you didnt mention anything about it. I hope everyone is ok. Really Hannah is coiming over just for the weekend? wow, that is cool. Hope you have a good visit.

March 31, 2010

It truly is incredible being a missionary. But really the real teacher is the Holy Ghost, thats who converts and baptises, we are just tools in this marvelous work. I got the email from greg, and it is too long! I dont have enough time to read it all haha, I dont see how he has that much time to email. I guess he just types really really fast. Cause i know i dont type that fast at all really. Thank you so much mom! it was great to hear from you. And i really appreciate you praying for me. I am so glad Im out here. It is so amazing. I also thnk its really cool that you are teaching and studying from out of Preach My Gospel, that book is such an important and helpful tool. I dont remember which Apostle saiod this but they said Preach My Gospel was prepared b4 the foundations of the world. But it has just now been brought forth. I think they had to wait for the worjk to have better missionaries. It is written by the first presidency and the apostles of the church so it really is scripture. Thank you Mom for everything, I love you! Take care!
-Elder Sherman
p.s. I really miss those dried Mangoes you used to buy me from Costco. There is no Costco in Colorado, except for maybe in Denver. :-( haha

March 25, 2010

Likewise it is good to hear fro you as well. Hooray, I havent gotten any letters here yet haha so it will be nice to get some now. Sorri i havent written a letter yet, I did start one last week, but i havent had time to finish it yet. We've been pretty busy and dont really have that much time to write. Yes I smiled haha I was happy to be there. President Christison is so awesome, he is very inspired. I feel very privelaged and blessed to have him as my mission president even if it is just until this summer when we get a new one. there was a little snow in denver not a lot when i got there. But Fruita is a really small town, I think the population is about ten thousand, and its actually a ways away from denver, it is close to the utah border, and its in a valley surrounded by mountains. but its like a thousand feet or so lower in elevation than denver is. Apparently Provo is only like a three hour drive away or something like that haha. But yeah we tract a lot of houses mostly, there are a few apartments, but it really like 98% houses. We actually cover two wards, Fruita First and Third, and there are four wards in this small town haha, its really cool to see how many members there are tho in such a small town. Sounds like u had a pretty full weekend. How did the tiling go? And bytheway Im really sorry I didnt clean my room up all the way b4 I left, but i really appreciate you cleaning it up the rest of the way. THANK YOU! Did u find any of those little plastic inserts that go in the collars of my shirts? cause i only have four, and two of them are bent so i really only use two of them. If u found some please mail them to me, thank you, also I need my dmv driving record if I am to have driving privelages later on during my mission, but right now, the area we cover doesnt have a car for the missionaries, so we just ride bikes or walk everywhere. Yes Its Elder Rambo, and Elder Shwarzenegger haha but no Chuck norris Jokes are always appropriate haha no im just kidding. Hey I got a letter from Hannah about her getting a job offer, that is really cool. How did the interview go for Daniel in Corvallis tho? You should tell daniel to write me please! and a normal letter, because i have even less time to email then write other letters. Yeah I know that scripture, and I fasted last sunday that we might be able to reach our goal that we have for investigators to have six baptisms by next transfer, and we have seceral investigators so it is a very possible goal, but they need to feel the holy Ghost and have a desire to be baptized, but they also need to come to church atleast twice b4 they are baptized, and they seem to have a little trouble coming so far. But we have taught a few this past week. Last thursday was awesome. We were going to teach an investigator named Micky, she is like in her late 30's or early 40's and her busband was going to be at work so we bneeded a member to come with us, and We got sister Hanson to come after Elder Rambo accidently called her instead of another sister he was trying to call but she came with us. And Her and Micky became like instantly friends it was really cool, and Sister Hanson shared her testimony with her about the plan of salvation and it was really cool. Micky had prayed about the book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and she said she felt the Holy Ghost. She also told us how she had been doing family history research and was finding out that like all her family was Mormon accept for her and she was wondering why she wasnt Mormon, and she saw the Missionaries walking one day and she wanted to come and ask questions, but she decided she would just pray that The missionaries would come to her house, and a couple days later they did. And It was really awesome to be apart of this, I really felt the spirit when we taught her, and she is really interested, it is so cool, It felt so amazing, I love this work! It is Marvelous. The next challenge tho will be getting her Husband and her Fifteen year old son to hear the gospel. Thank you so much for your support!

March 17, 2010

wow I havent been able to check email for two weeks, sorry I couldn't respond sooner, this is the first pday i've had in two weeks so yeah. Sounds like you had a really good time down in California. that is awesome, I'm glad you had safe flights. How is everyone doing down there? like the Monroes? How is Greg doing? Also I hope you didnt have to deal with bronchitis very long, I remember you said you had it in the letter you sent me. That is a little irronic that I just got the vaccine for bronchitis not that long ago. I'm sorry you caught it tho. I hope you are feeling muh better now. Yeah the Sandiego temple is pretty awesome. And yes I did get to go to the provo temple while in the mtc, twice, its pretty nice. I dont think it is as beautiful as the Portland temple tho. I still think that one is my favorite. And yes the Denver temple is in our Mission but missionaries in the metro area only get to go there. Which bytheway let me tell you about my first area. First we met President Chrisison at the airport along with his wife and the assistant elders. THE DENVER AIRPORT IS HUGE!!!! it only like five years old or something, its really big. and then from there we went to the temple for pictures with President. We took them inside the distrubution center cause that was were that statue is that u will see in the picture that they should've already sent to you. But that was all we got to see of the denver temple. Its kind of simple on the outside, just has one spire with Moroni on top. but then after that the rest of the day was a bunch of orientation and we all went to the Tufts building or the mission office for that. That was a lot of information and sitting down. and we did that all afternoon, then in the evening we all went to The Mission home for dinner and that is were we slept. The next day early in the morning we had a transfer meeting were I found out that out of the eight elders that came in I was the only one being transferred out west. My first area is in this small town called fruita. And it was like a 5 and a half hours of driving but i got to see a lot of the mountains which was cool. My Trainers Name is Elder Rambo haha yeah, but he is a really good Elder and i feel like i am learning a lot from him. We do lots of tracting. And we hardly ever gat any referrals from members. which is not what they said it would be like in the Mtc -_- haha oh well. Looks like i am suposed to get a bike today. I really appreciate the money for buying a bike, and I am going to try and get one for as a cheap as i can. But i gotta go, please write me!