Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

Elder Sherman

Elder Sherman
Right before entering the MTC

Monday, August 22, 2011

July 11, 2011

We had some more great things happen last week. On tuesday we went to go teach one of our investigators and when we were teaching her, her sister, brother in law and his kids came over also (they were having a get together). And we found out her sister also wants to be baptized and her husband (our investigator's brother in law) is a member but less active. They live in the Heather Ridge ward and have gone through a bunch of missionaries. When we left hid daughter who is seventeen came out after us to talk to us. She told us that she is a member and has been less active and when she had gone to church before she saw a light around the bishop and his councilors. A light like a halo. And she said she hadnt seen that light in a while but she said she saw it around us when we were teaching and she said it kind of freaked her out and she didnt know what to do but she wanted to tell us and get our phone number to talk to us later. The next day we got to go to the temple which was amazing. I love the Temple. And later that day we got a call from them. They wanted us to come over and give them a blessing. When we got to their home I could feel that something was wrong. Elder Beberger felt that also when we talked about it later. And We found out that last night and Evil Spirit that she could see was in her room and really scared her. And she told us that before that She prayed b4 she went to bed asking God to help her know that this was true and that she wants to follow him with all her heart and go on a mission also. and then later she felt something touching her leg and woke up to that awfull experience. And we went over The 1st vision account with her about how satan came upon Joseph and she said it felt like that. So we Kneeled down together With Alfredo (her father) and her brother who's 5 and her and Elder Beberger Dedicated their home and during the prayer we felt something leave and the spirit come and it felt much better there then. And afte rthat we gave both Carlie (the 17 year old girl) and Alfredo jr. blessings and that felt much better. They felt the spirit. Next day Carlie told us she felt 100% better and Safe. And that her brother said "they gave me the force" which was pretty awesome. We also found out that Carlie has had a pretty hard life. She was living with her Mom (Alfredo's first wife) and that she was abused by her and her mom also treated her like she was crazy and put her in institutes when she really isn't crazy she just didnt want to take care of her. So she has had a hard time growing up and she just recently moved in with her dad. It was so amazing to see Heavenly Father help his children and use us as instruments. It made me really happy. I love it. We are going to go over there with Heather Ridge North on wednesday cause they should be teaching them regularly and helping Monica (our investigator's sister) get baptized. Also Alfredo said if Monica wants to get baptized he'll get active and do everything. It was a great miracle. It was really special. They are an awesome Family.

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